TED Specialist

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Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is a rare and complex condition that is not well-understood by all eye doctors, so it is important to find someone who has expertise with this condition.

TED Specialists

TED Specialists are ophthalmologists (eye doctors) or surgeons who have specialized training in thyroid eye disease. Oculoplastic surgeons, neuro-ophthalmologists, and strabismus surgeons are some examples of specialized eye doctors who may also be TED specialists.

TED Specialists have the expertise that is needed to develop a treatment plan that ensures you receive the quality care you need.

These specialists will present to you both non-surgical and surgical options that will help treat TED. It is important to understand the risks, benefits, and side effects of these various treatment options, which should all be discussed prior to initiating a treatment plan.

There are various specialists across the nation that offer both virtual and in-person consults.

Find your TED specialist today! Please keep in mind that you may need a referral from your primary care physician (PCP) before you can schedule an appointment with a TED Specialist.

Need help with your TED Treatment? Contact us or call us at (310)-363-8757